Tips for a Successful Household Move
How to Please a Woman - - must reading for all fiancés and new husbands!
How to Write a Resume - - it's all about sales!
How to Clean Silver with Baking Soda
How to Clean a Garbage Disposal with Baking Soda
Contents of Care Packages to Deployed Marines
Packing Tips for Care Packages
Adopt a Member from Another Branch of the Armed Forces
Humorous Statements by My Piano Students
Poodle Humor linked on this page
General Humor, including Southern, linguistics, cats, IQ tests, etc.
Squirrel Food (to keep them from the bird food, theoretically, at least!)
Fun Stuff has recipes for all sorts of things, from clay, invisible ink, magic gardens, face paint, etc. for kids to making lip balm, bubblebath, solid perfume, face masks and scrubs.