There's nothing else like this book, not even remotely.
This is the information that is not available anywhere. Until now.
Fifteen chapters will walk you through the entire process: from when the idea is just a gleam in your eye, through setting class cost and making kits, all the way to travel to the festival and teaching in the classroom.
In addition to the information in the book, there are 7 worksheets (which you may reproduce as needed) to help you cost out kits, compare kit costs if you use different fabric/threads, work out a class cost for the proposal, project income and expenses, and track student registration.
The book is presented in a 3-ring notebook so you can add material to it. And get those worksheets out to photocopy them!
If you've read my work before or taken a class with me, you know that I am thorough. I have brought the same standards to this book that I bring to everything else I do. You won't be disappointed, I promise!
If you are a needlework teacher and want to fine-tune your teaching and business skills - - if you are thinking about becoming a needlework teacher and want to know what's involved - - if you're just curious about what this profession is like - - then you'll want to read Handbook for Needlework Teachers.
Chapter 2 - Typical Festival Schedule: Kinds of Activities. Sample festival schedule.
Chapter 3 - Exploring Ideas to Propose: Investigating and evaluating ideas for feasibility. Sample class level guide. Tentatively identifying kit cost, per-student cost, target student type, class length.
Chapter 4 - Preparing a Class That Will Sell: What makes students choose a class. Selecting class genre, target student type, enrollment, project size/kit materials/colors. Sequels, one-of-a-series. New design vs refurbished. Setting class price, including a "Quick and Dirty" method. Festival's mark-up.
Chapter 5 - Preparing and Submitting Proposals: Proposal form. Proposal tips.
Chapter 6 - Administrative Preparation: Brochure copy. Influencing its final form. Your contract.
Chapter 7 - Kits: Estimating kit costs, including a list of kit components with prices. Gratis product. Design development materials. Ordering. How products are packaged. Storing supplies. Estimating thread and bead usage; how much to include in the kit. Kitting accurately. Packing and shipping kits to the festival site. Transporting kits at the festival. Kits for "no shows." Leftover kits. Kitting tips.
Chapter 8 - Class Handout and Model: Handout contents/layout. Charts, chart excerpts. Selecting chart symbols. Stitch diagram, illustration samples. Charting software. Proofing. Stitching the model.
Chapter 9 - Marketing: Positioning yourself in the market. Analyzing your competition. Promotion ideas before and during the festival. Why and what people really buy. Advertising types and tips.
Chapter 10 - Student Registration: How close to reality pre-festival student registration data are. Capping registration.
Chapter 11 - Taxes: Tax jargon demystified. Independent contractor vs festival employee. Self-employment taxes. Business deductions, depreciation, "gray areas," conversion of personal property to business use. Business use of your car and home. Audits. Operating at a loss. Hobby business.
Chapter 12 - Logistics: Packing. Reservations. Transportation. Hotel, meals, telephone charges. Tipping. Security concerns. Rental cars.
Chapter 13 - Teaching: Lesson plan, teaching notes. Time management in class. Being "on stage." Crowd control and student types. Learning- and physically-disabled students. Use of the teaching frame. Food and drink in class. Unusual situations in class. Teaching tips.
Chapter 14 - Working with Colleagues and Festival Staff: Getting to know other teachers. Tips for working with colleagues and staff.
Chapter 15 - Personal Concerns: Avoiding stress. Taking care of yourself. Being professional.
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