Needlework Links of Interest

Needlework Newsgroup
is the counted cross stitch newsgroup, a great place for all kinds of information from wonderful
people. Other topics are discussed, too--Hardanger, pulled- and drawn-thread work, tatting, some knit
and crochet, some lace-making, crewel, Bargello, and needlepoint--but it's mostly counted cross
stitch and other counted-thread techniques.
General Information about Stitching
Note: I do not make even a feeble attempt at compiling a list of needlework links. Kathy Dyer (below) has done such an outstanding job, that anything I would attempt would be so pale in comparison as to be invisible! Therefore, please do not interpret the absence of many highly-regarded links as a statement that I don't think they're wonderful. They are. I just don't attempt to duplicate Kathy's stellar performance!
- Kathy Dyer's home page also
functions as RCTN's home page. There you'll find the marvelous cross stitch FAQs and a number of
needlework links. I'm not attempting to duplicate the large number of links! Go see Kathy!
- excellent section describing many needlework genres
- Debi McMahon has
undertaken the task of archiving corrections to commercially-published charts. Visit her home page
often for these corrections and other items of interest to needleworkers.
- List of stitchery-related Websites,
including designers, shops, and manufacturers.
- Vintage Stitchers Chapter Home
Page is all about my EGA chapter, the Vintage Stitchers. If you are currently a member-at-large or
would like to be a long-distance member of our chapter here in the San Francisco Bay area, we'd love to
have you join! Information is on our home page about long-distance membership. A local chapter is
always best, of course, so contact EGA National headquarters
to see if there's a chapter near you. If you can't find a chapter that meets your needs, Vintage Stitchers
welcomes you to join us as a long-distance member!
- Murray Moffatt's shareware program, called CrossMagic, is very useful stash inventory program: thread, fabric, charts, etc., etc.! A feature I really like is "what can I make with the stuff I have on hand without going out on a[nother] stash expedition?"
- Still another inventory program is Organized Expressions by LNS Software. Laura Stradling not only has inventory particularly geared to needleworkers, but also separate programs for quilters, rubber stampers, knitters and crocheters, and sewing folks.
- Lil Banchik's "Tzdakaware" database program for Palm Pilots to track threads, fabric, beads, etc. If you have one of these gadgets -and- often forget what's in your stash, Lil can help you! (If you don't know what Tzdaka is, visit and find out what everyone needs to do more of!)
Manufacturers and Distributors
- DMC floss, pearl cotton, and other threads
- Weeks Dye Works, space-dyed floss and pearl cotton
- space-dyed floss, hand-dyed fabric
- Eterna Silk solid and space-dyed colors of silk ("mini-twist" and filament), silk twists ("silk pearl")
- EdMar wide variety of rayon threads (Brazilian embroidery)
- Kreinik metallic and silk threads, real metal paillettes
- Zweigart fabric, canvas, and pre-finished items
- Wichelt Imports fabrics, etc.
- Charles Craft fabrics, pre-finished items
- Norden Crafts' "catalogue" of R&R Reproductions Hand-Dyed Linen, including "color swatch" and counts available in each color
- Mill Hill Beads
- Q-Snap needlework frames; large ones for quilting; parts are interchangeable for different dimensions; no need to remove work from Q-Snaps, as with hoops; gotta have these!
- Gripit Plus makes a wide variety of scroll frames (include the Scrollette), as well as stands of every description
- American Dream Products was one of the original manufacturers of scroll frames. If you are looking for "Tomorrow's Treasures" frames, this is the company (it bought out TT).
Medieval/Renaissance Needlework
- The Bayeux Tapestry is available here.
These gifs take a while to load, so visit when you have lots of time and plan to take your
stitching to the computer while you wait!
- another Bayeux Tapestry site; this one has nice commentary with panels of the needlework explaining what's going on in that piece
- yet another Bayeux site; this one has the complete tapestry, in sectioned panels. This site also discusses Viking ships and a project to build a replica of the Oseberg, the upper left-hand gif. Many cool Viking links, too!
- Brief history of
embroidery, including early embroidery and costuming. Although this has an SCA slant (Society for
Creative Anachronism), there is useful information here.
- various tapestries, including Cluny "Mon seul desir;" commercial site but some very nice photos and a good brief history of tapestries.
- to subscribe to a historical needlework listserve: historical needlework list, send a message with "subscribe h-needlework" in the body to majordomo@ansteorra.org
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Last updated April 6, 2001.