Normally we think only of aida and evenweave as fabric types, but there is also unevenweave fabric!
An evenweave fabric means the same number of warp threads to an inch as weft threads.
Ok, what are warp and weft?
The warp threads are put on the loom first and run up and down. They run -parallel- to the selvage that is created during the weaving process.
The weft threads (formerly called woof threads) are the threads put in by the weaving shuttle. They run from side to side and are -perpendicular- to the selvage. (The selvage is created when the shuttle comes "over the edge" of the side-most warp thread to begin its return journey. A selvage is created on each side of the fabric.)
So, an evenweave fabric has 28 warp threads and 28 weft threads, for example, to one inch. In fact, that's exactly what "28-count fabric" means.
An unevenweave does not have the same number of warp and weft threads to the inch. Unevenweave is designated by two numbers. The first number is the number of warp threads, and the second is the number of weft threads per inch.
Therefore, cross stitches done of this sort of fabric will not be perfectly square. They will be taller or wider.
A typical weave designation might be 32/36. Because there are more weft threads, cross stitches done on this fabric will be wider than they are tall.
Unevenweave fabrics usually have more -weft- threads to the inch.
If you came across fabric with more warp threads to the inch, however, the cross stitches would be taller than they were wide. Example: 36/32 evenweave.
copyright 1999, Martha Beth Lewis
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