Chores for Days of the Week
Traditionally, certain "women's chores" were assigned a day of the week. You might be stitching a set of dish towels (I have a set my mother embroidered) or making a "sampler" of a cute kitty doing the chores, and so on.
Here is a list of the "traditional" chores.
- Monday - Washing
- Tuesday - Ironing
- Wednesday - Mending
- Thursday - Marketing
- Friday - Baking
- Saturday - Cleaning
- Sunday - Day of Rest
Here is a revised list of "chores" appropriate for a stitcher.
- Monday - Wash completed projects
- Tuesday - Press completed projects
- Wednesday - Finish UFOs
- Thursday - Shop for additions to the stash
- Friday - Bake brownies for stitch-in
- Saturday - Clear stuff off table and chairs to make room for a stitch-in with friends
- Sunday - Spend a restful day stitching with friends
copyright 2001, Martha Beth Lewis
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