Crocheted "Formal" Coasters

My paternal grandmother was a crochet whiz. There was no oddly-shaped object for which she couldn't crochet a skin-tight cover. I was constantly amazed. She tried to teach me filet crochet, but I guess I was too young to appreciate what was going on.

Although I am more of a knitter than a crocheter, I'd like to share this coaster pattern with you because the coasters are quick. I came upon the pattern while cleaning out some crafts cabinets (ahem!). I had wondered where I'd "filed" it!

A set of 4 (6? 8? 12?) makes a good gift for a wedding shower, housewarming, etc. When you want a "giftie" or remembrance.

Or make a sachet for a drawer or to hang on a hanger by sewing two together around the outside edge of the "solid area," filling with pot pourri before closing; thread ribbon through holes or decorate in another way.

Crochet with coarser thread and package together with a set of coffee mugs (good housewarming or away-to-college gift).

I crocheted a slew of these to use under wineglasses to protect my good table linen. That's why I call them "formal."

They're about 3" in diameter. I used Knit-Cro-Sheen and chose white so I could bleach them. One ball will keep you out of trouble for quite some time!

If you don't know how to read the pattern or have forgotten how to do any of these stitches, please consult any basic crochet book or how-to-crochet website.

ch 4

1st round: make 11 dc in 4th chain from hook, join with sl st (12 dc, counting ch 3 as one of them)

2: ch 3, dc in joining, 2 dc in each dc, join (24 dc)

3: same as round 2 (48 dc)

4: ch 3, dc in joining, *dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc*, dc in the last dc, join (72 dc)

5: ch 3, dc in each dc (72 dc)

6: ch 10, *tr in 6th dc from the chain-10 (not counting the chain-10), ch 6*, join to 4th st of chain-10

7: *ch 2, skip next st and dc in 2nd, ch 2, dc in 4th dc, ch 2, sc in tr*, join (13 holes)

8: *ch 2, hdc in dc, 3 tr in space, hdc in dc, ch 2, sc in sc*, join; end

Copyright 1998, Martha Beth Lewis.
You may print a copy of this pattern for your personal use. It may not be kitted or sold. Nor may it be copied and distributed to others without prior permission. Contact me about non-profit use, as in an EGA newsletter or a Scout troop project.

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